European projects

Auren offers the necessary support, to both public and private entities, in the design of projects facilitating information and advice on access to European funding, as well as other collaboration opportunities offered by European programs.

We adapt to the needs of each client by organising technical meetings with the entity in order to define ideas and strategies in relation to the different calls from European funding bodies.

Aid observatory

Our goal  is to keep  our clients informed at any given time of  opportunities offered by the European Union for different types of projects. We are able to offer information on participation in calls of different European programs, such as EDUSI, Interreg, Life, Horisonte 2020, COSME or Instrumento PYME, among others

Drafting, preparation and application

We are specialists in drafting winning projects. We identify calls for granting aid, design actions that best meet requirements of each program, prepare proposals, plan resources and prepare the applications to submit to any call for European aid.

European projects

At Auren, we follow up on actions and activities, advice to beneficiaries in the execution of actions, budget planning, communication with fund management structures, and, also, preparation of proposals for reorientation of actions and estimates.

Management and implementation

We are experts in advising on actions contracts, the preparation of expenditure certificates, advising on European regulations on the application and eligibility of expenditure, preparation of follow-up and control reports and advice for support in audit processes, etc.

Partners and consortia

We support the entity in its search for partners and in the signing of partnership agreements and covenants positioning it on a European level for its participation in consortium projects promoted by other organisations across Europe.