Retaining multi-generation talent


Retaining multi-generation talent 

Over the last centuries mankind has been able to do a lot. We were able walk, build shelters, create tolls, invent machines, transform and modify our environment for the sake of our well-being. Nowadays, the human being can do almost everything through technology, and AI will replace him in most of his functions. Most, but not all.

The human (People) are still the key to every company of professional business. Being the Human capital our most valuable resource, how can we take care of it? How to maintain the focus and motivation of our teams, regardless of their generation?

One of the answers is creating a cooperative workplace culture.

Cooperation must be formally supported by the leaders and team leaders. This means that the company must create formal spaces for internal knowledge sharing (meet ups, Whatsup groups, etc.) and must incentive the creation of internal multi-disciplinary teams to solve specific project problems.

Another good multi-generation approach is to invest in continuous training

Companies that provide continuous training, MBAs or new technology tools workshops are value by their employees, from generation X to generation Z. When each worker feels that he/she is given the opportunity to acquire new work methods (hard skills and soft skills), they tend, not only to perform better, but to be more loyal to their leader.

Internal communication still works

Even though this is a “classic” on the HR field, a lot of companies still don´t use this advantage to retain and develop talent. Having a formal channel of internal communication, sending messages about the company’s values, projects and teams, is a plus to everyone, because it enhances alignment and the sense of belonging.

Everyone likes to Celebrate

Nowadays, there is still little socialization in companies. We should celebrate positive things more. When the elements of one team pull together and celebrate together, in the less positive moments they will stick together. There are a lot of celebration rituals that can be held in the company: birthdays, new clients, goals achievements, national games (soccer, marathons, etc.). If the team celebrates together, it would be easier to support others in task forces, in extra work, new projects, etc.

There are no magic formulas to retain and develop the talent in your company. But regardless of the strategy chosen, if you focus on fulfilling social human needs (connection, recognition, esteem, etc.) success will be easier to obtain.

Lurdes Cruz, Auren Portugal