Project speaker 17: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals


The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), set by the United Nations (UN) for the year 2030, aim to achieve global sustainability through actions ranging from eradicating poverty in all its forms and throughout the world to preserve the oceans, seas and marine resources.

The CSR Committee of Auren Spain has promoted this project that will last between 2 and 3 years. The objective is to disseminate and promote the fulfillment of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals marked by the United Nations.

In order to contribute to broader dissemination and enhance impact, Auren is working on different elements, some of them already finished as: the incorporation of the SDG logo in our e-mail signatures; the publication of a newsletter aimed to make the goals known and the publication “Governa: speaker 17”.

“Governa: speaker 17” Auren becomes speaker of the challenges facing humanity to achieve global sustainable development. The publication gathers 17 interviews with 17 personalities,companies and institutions from different sectors of Society that work as drivers of change to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN. The publication was written by Sira Oliver, journalist and responsible for communication in Auren Spain.

In Auren we are committed to hear and investigate the proposal of the UN in relation to each goal and help to make it widely known. We want to spread the message and share it with as many agencies, institutions and people as possible.

The project, that starts from Spain, is fully extendable to all Auren countries who want to promote and contribute to the dissemination of the goals.