New trends in attracting and choosing talent


The element which adds most value to any company is the staff comprising it and making its day-to-day activities possible. Concepts such as attract and choice, engagement and loyalty increasingly appear as powerful tools which will lead the company to success.

This is where a decisive role is played by the HR department, recruiters and/or consultants responsible for carrying out the processes for attracting and choosing talent.

There are several factors to be taken into account when hiring employees, such as: the organizational culture, business, company vision and, last but not least the values of the organisation.

How can we attract the best talent?

For some time now, companies have been involved in the revolution of new technologies, with digitalisation being fundamental for any organisation wishing to be competitive. This is why HR departments have had to “aggiornar” their attraction and recruitment strategies, turning to new tools and devices when choosing employees.

What are the new trends for attracting and choosing employees?

Social Networks have replaced traditional job banks.

There are now specific employment portals grouping together different professional depending on their profiles. One example is LinkedIn, which has developed new ways of understanding labour relations, and has provided the possibility of creating and belonging to private groups among sectors with a common interest. LinkedIn is one of the tools most used for establishing initial contact with a person.

Other Social Networks which, in principle, are aimed exclusively at fomenting friendships, such as Facebook and Twitter, are now some of the main means of marketing used by companies for publicising their products, services, campaigns and also job vacancies available, since the creators of these Social Networks have added a tab so companies might include their publications of interest.

Other companies have turned to creating a “Plan of Referred or Recommended Employees”, i.e. each person belonging to the organisation can recommend another, being in some way recompensed if the latter finally joins the organisation.

In addition, one of the practices which is being implemented by companies with a high performance level is encouraging Diversity in organisations. In other words, the inclusion of different profiles when recruiting. By Diversity, I am not only referring to different ways of thinking and acting, but also, in the broad sense, to ethnic and cultural diversity, and the inclusion of people with different capabilities.

Numerous studies have proven that high-performance organisations consist of highly diverse teams of workers who, when well led, attain very high levels of production and results on being highly creative and innovative.

What are the benefits of a suitable selection process?

-It reduces the rotation rate of the organisation.

-A greater commitment to the objectives of the post to be performed is attained.

-There is an improvement in the working atmosphere.

-It reduces costs and time spent.

-People join who quickly adapt to the culture of the organisation.

-It increases creativity and diversity.

It is essential for each selection process to be conferred the importance required and have the necessary time devoted to it, since each new joiner will play an essential role in the success of the organisations.

Valeria Grasso, Auren Uruguay

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