The CEO as the Engine of Innovation: The Critical Role in Adopting Advanced Technologies


In the digital age, the adoption of advanced technologies has become an integral part of organizational survival and growth. As the company’s leader, the CEO must act as the innovation engine, guiding the organization toward a technologically advanced and promising future.

Here are some points that will help the CEO incorporate the role of technology adoption into the schedule. Emphasize why it is essential to dedicate time for brainstorming with other CEOs, the negative consequences of not adopting technologies in the digital age, and the impact of the CEO’s innovative spirit on the organization.

How to integrate technology adoption into the CEO’s schedule

The CEO includes strategic management, overseeing daily operations, and leading work teams. At the core of this role is the need to stay updated and integrate advanced technologies. Here are some steps to incorporate this into the CEO’s schedule:

  1. Exploring and Learning About New Technologies: The CEO should set aside regular time, such as two hours per week, to read and learn about new technologies and market trends. This includes reading research papers, attending technological conferences, and reviewing professional blogs and articles.
  • Brainstorming Meetings with Work Teams: It is crucial to hold regular meetings with the organization’s work teams to discuss new technologies and understand their needs and opportunities. These meetings can be held once a month and should be dedicated to creative thinking and generating new ideas.
  • Brainstorming with Other CEOs: Collaboration with other CEOs in the industry can lead to innovative ideas and learning from their experiences. The CEO can dedicate twice a year to meetings or participation in senior executive forums.

The Drawbacks of Not Adopting Technologies in the Digital Age

Not adopting new technologies can lead to several significant disadvantages:

  1. Loss of Competitive Advantage: Organizations that do not adopt new technologies may lag in competition with continuously innovating organizations.
  • Reduced Productivity: Advanced technologies can improve processes and increase productivity. The organization may struggle to meet goals and handle demand without adopting these technologies.
  • Decreased Ability to Attract and Retain Talented Employees: Employees seek innovative organizations with the most advanced tools. A lack of innovation can lead to difficulties recruiting and retaining talented employees.

The Impact of the CEO’s Spirit on the Organization

The CEO’s spirit directly affects organizational culture and employee motivation. When the CEO leads with an openness to innovation and sets a personal example, it impacts the entire organization in several ways:

  1. Increased Motivation: Employees tend to be more engaged and committed when they see their leader pushing for innovation and investing in advanced technologies.
  • Improved Organizational Culture: An open approach to innovation encourages a culture of learning, creativity, and collaboration. Employees feel part of the organization’s and progress process.
  • Empowering Employees: When the CEO positions innovation as a central value, employees feel they are working in the market and in an important organization. This enhances their self-worth and leads to better achievements.

To sum up the CEO must integrate their role as the engine of innovation into their schedule by exploring new technologies, brainstorming with teams and other CEOs, and understanding the drawbacks of not adopting technologies. The CEO’s spirit impacts the entire organization, increases motivation, and improves organizational culture. In their critical role, the CEO leads the organization toward a promising, technologically advanced future.

Ofir Angel, Chairman of Auren Israel

“Business Generator,” Business Strategy expert & Geo-Strategic Consulting for International Companies