Consultancy is value added in government process


As the function of Government process has become more complex, specialized consultans are increasingly valuable, particulary in the design and developement fo public policies and the management of Government projects and programs.

One of the segments that Auren found a huge opportunity in México is in reviewing and designing  the Legal and Financials matters of infraestructure projects, either under the private – public partnership modality, but there are other private participation which mainly objective is  to assure those projects will be done, as of garbage collection Project, toll roads  among others that citizens will be beneficiated.

Or also in projects that by their nature have their own source of payment and that what they require is an adequate legal and financial structure to become a reality, for example public parking lots or more efficient public lighting systems changing to LED technology.

Financial and legal knowldge at the service of Citizenship through a better function of Government!

Juan Antoni Guzman from Auren México