The Future of Work: a Methodology to leverage the Skills and Roles in the Next Decade


As we stand on the brink of a transformative era, the future of work promises significant shifts in the nature of work, the skills we value, and the roles that define our economies. This evolution is driven by rapid technological advancements and changing societal norms, necessitating a strategic and structured approach to prepare for the demands of the next decade. A combined perspective on the critical skills, roles, and a structured methodology to navigate these changes effectively are needed to ensure that the organization is able to achieve its mission efficiently.

Emerging Skills and Roles

The work landscape increasingly values inherently human qualities such as critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and creative problem-solving. As artificial intelligence (AI) and automation assume routine tasks, roles that leverage emotional depth, innovative thinking, and strategic insight will see a surge in demand. This includes careers in creative industries, mental health professions, and strategic planning positions.

Simultaneously, the tech sector is poised for continued expansion, spotlighting the need for AI specialists, data analysts, cybersecurity experts, and professionals adept in blockchain and quantum computing. These roles are essential in driving innovation, safeguarding digital assets, and harnessing the vast amounts of data characteristic of our digital era.

A Structured Methodology for Workforce Preparation

To navigate these changes, organisations can adopt a comprehensive approach that encompasses assessment, development, and continuous adaptation.

1. Assessment:

   – Identify Skill Gaps: Conduct thorough analyses to pinpoint existing skills and those projected to be in demand, assessing roles for their future viability.

2. Development:

   – Upskilling and Reskilling: Implement targeted training programs to bridge skill gaps, enhancing current capabilities and introducing new skill sets for evolving roles.

   – Foster a Learning Culture: Encourage continuous learning through access to training resources, leveraging technology for flexible and personalised learning experiences.

3. Continuous Adaptation:

   – Agile Work Practices: Embrace adaptable work practices, fostering a culture of collaboration, experimentation, and rapid iteration.

   – Regular Reviews: Maintain a dynamic approach by regularly reviewing and updating skills and roles per emerging trends and organisational needs.


The key to thriving in the future work landscape lies in our ability to adapt, learn, and remain open to evolving roles and responsibilities of this new Industrial Revolution and new Society 5.0 (start preparing yourself and your company for version 6.0! It will be even more disruptive!). By fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptability, leveraging technology for development, and adopting a structured methodology for workforce preparation, businesses can ensure a resilient, innovative, and dynamic workforce ready to tackle the challenges and seize the opportunities of the next decade. The future of work demands flexibility, a willingness to embrace new technologies and methodologies, and an unwavering commitment to developing the human skills that differentiate us from machines.

Rui Ribeiro, Head of Consulting & Technology de Auren Portugal.