Auren Regional Conferences


This year’s regional conferences took place last past weeks, starting with Auren edition in the 2nd LATAM Conference on 4th and 5th May, which, after two years, had been celebrated in a hybrid format. The programme brought a similar structure than past editions, including the latest updates in Auren International, an analysis of the marketing plan for this 2022 and other interesting sessions focused on business opportunities and growth strategies.

In the case of Auren EMEA Conference, it was a virtual full day event scheduled in a morning session were the agenda included, among other topics, an interesting lecture on international trends, identifying main important aspects on the international paradigm affecting the economy, technology, people, etc. And a panel discussion about Human Resources Policies, where panellists shared their views and experiences. The afternoon session was geared towards auditors concerning the Implementation of New International Auditing Quality Standards led by Francisco Mondragón, this latest session was replicated for the Latin-American region as well and was conducted by José Manuel Teruel, Manager of Auditing quality in Auren.

As always, our sincere thanks for your active participation in making these sessions enriching for everyone.

See you all very soon in Barcelona for the 16th International Conference!

Communication Department