New Auren office in Hamburg


With Auren GmbH Hamburg (formerly allwira Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH), Auren Germany is expanding its consulting services with additional expertise, particularly in international tax law. As Auren and allwira have known each other for years through their joint membership in Antea, the current step is a natural progression in the ongoing cooperation.

“We are very pleased to have gained Dirk Peper as an international tax expert for Auren. Among other things, he will be heading our Israel-Germany Desk in the future,” said Lothar Schulz, auditor, tax advisor and managing partner at Auren Germany. “For our clients, the merger with Auren is a great enrichment, as we can draw on even more expertise from our new colleagues from Auren,” says Dirk Peper, tax advisor and new Auren partner from Hamburg.

Matthias Langer from Auren Germany