Your control environment

Your control environment is aimed at achieving set goals. For this purpose, processes, procedures and control measures are created and various executives are involved. The question, however, is whether these internal auditing processes and procedures are effective and efficient.

The right structure of your accounting department

A sound accounting department is important for obtaining reliable management information and for correctly taking financial responsibility. Characteristic of this are the 6 W’s: who (executive) may do what (what data), why, when, process with what (using what aids) and where these data go. Conditions are often imposed on the structure of your accounting department in the context of accounting checks (link to page 2a) and subsidy controls (link to page 2e).

We shall be happy to help you examine the effectiveness and efficiency of your internal processes, procedures and governance questions. In addition, our professionals can advise you on the structure of your accounting department and the correct internal controls. Examples of this are advice on setting up projects and audits and the accompanying risks