It is well-known that all of the fields of the life sciences have undergone dramatic changes over the past decade or two.

The industry of life Sciences includes numerous fields which are using scientific tools combined with technology to explore and solve subjects related to living matter on earth. The development of life, the consequences of living organisms on the environment, and the interaction between living beings. Among the fields of life science, we can find Biotechnology, Agri-Tech, Genetics, Biochemistry, Food-Tech, Health Care Technology, Biophysics, etc.

The fast-growing environment of the life sciences industry, characterized by advanced technologies and rapid development. It is fertile soil for new startup companies to grow in, while well-based companies reach some significant breakthroughs and discoveries.

This environment has numerous benefits but also presents new challenges. A primary challenge is protecting patents and intellectual property (IP), alongside the challenge of participation in the business race with your competitors. The requirement to be top-notch and most advanced while maintaining an attractive price.

To succeed in the life science industry requires to be familiar with your competitors in the field at both local and international levels. To maximize your business ability you should be able to reach new potential markets. The solutions you should look for are those which will provide your business with a wide perspective of the local and the international markets and will be customized to your specific needs.  

Our multidisciplinary team approach can solve all your business dilemmas from protecting R&D during development through the manufacturing stage, regulation and taxation plans, or any other issue arising from the management of your business activity locally and globally.

Some of the fields in the Life Sciences industry include:

Nanotechnology: Atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale technological use for industrial purposes.

Biotechnology: Technological developments based on biological systems and processes. Genetic is one of the top biotechnology fields.

Agri-Tech: Agriculture and livestock unique technological solutions.

Biochemistry: The study of chemical properties that characterize molecules in living cells. Most popular in recent years are the studies of proteins. Biochemistry is a central place in understanding disease, agriculture, and drug-producing mechanisms.

Bio-Tech: The use of biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives combining technological applications to create or modify products or processes targeted for a specific use.

Pharmaceutical: Developing new drugs and medicines for the market.

Food-Tech: Improvement for the food and beverage industry. Technological use for all of the stages of the supply chain from the farmer to the final consumer product.

Agricultural Medicine: Crops and production for medical use, such as cannabis.

Medical Device: Technological products that help medical care. The medical device market is worth billions of dollars.

Israel is known as “The startup nation”, therefore, many funds support projects and various researches in the fields of life science, as well as innovative studies conduction, development centers activity, and startup companies in Israel. If you are a foreign company looking for a partner or advanced technology which will support your business, Israel might be the place for you to look in.

Every business needs a support system to help it achieve greater efficiency and effective management. This is especially true in this sector, where there are so many parameters to take into consideration.

An innovative, competitive environment demands an innovative approach. Working with our local Israeli multidisciplinary team, tailored to meet your specific business needs, we will find solutions that ensure that your business will enjoy all the advantages that will help distinguish you from your competitors.