Family Organizations: Developing Family Dynamics from Economic Aspects

Many tend to think that unlike regular organizations that have a fixed organizational hierarchy and which can classified into different but permanent “corporate character” or “work styles”, family organizations have no classification and each organization has its own methods and character.

Auren Israel seeks to correct this bias, and emphasize that family organizations have much more in common with one another, contrary to popular belief.

Auren Israel has learned and developed practices for dealing with family organizations such as the non-egalitarian distribution of the work burden, mixing emotions within the organization’s management and blurring the boundaries between home and organization.

As part of our work method, we emphasize on creating a set of rules and guidelines for operating the organization by family members, while providing tools for tackling important organizational decision junctions such as:

1. Distribution of work assignments, duties, and allocation of roles

2. Management of Executive Meetings

3. Implementation and transmitting of knowledge to the continuing generation

4. Resolving crises

The team of consultants in the department uses his extensive knowledge and professional experience while adjusting to the unique family nature of the organization and prioritize the health of the family-business relationship now and in the future.

In addition, Auren’s multidisciplinary approach comes as a tool that allows the collaboration and combined action from a common variety of areas to provide a broad response as possible to addressing significant challenges, arise in managing a family-organizational framework.