Large or small organizations or companies are exposed to the frequency of hackers, intrusions or to any other method of control over the computer network with the goal of prejudicing the business while various methods such as suctioning information from the database for the purpose of selling it to a third party, causing losses, whether economic or damage to reputation, control over the network or end stations, ransom demands etc.
There are various and diversified methods for preventing such situations. For example, network protection, executing periodic penetration tests, installing software for the purposes of monitoring and blocking undesirable factors etc. However, the most important and effective method is to teach, instruct and guide the company’s employees regarding the lurking hazards and methods of preventing them.
Employees that receive the instruction, will be more aware of the methods that hackers use and will be better aware of what prevention they have to execute so as not to reach situations of intrusions into the computer network. For example, to instruct employees that, regarding unknown mails, links from an unknown source, messages asking to feed personal data, the recommendation is not to open them or insert data into them.
Auren can offer professional conferences and methods, security awareness workshops, to send presentations, written bulletins and pamphlets, hone procedures in the organization or any other method suitable for your company.
Alongside the need for guidance, honing procedures and explanations to the employees, we can execute controlled and initiated phishing experiments in order to examine employee preparedness on the one hand and weak points that must be dwelled upon and explained on the other hand. Guidance for data protection awareness in the organization is most important, because it prevents the next inclusion instead of coping with its practical implications. The more aware that the organization’s employees are of the hazards, the methods of action, the various forms of phishing the more they would know how to prevent them and would even be aware of how to report them in real time to the data security department (or to perform any other procedure established in organization) that can trace the intrusion and block it.
Then let’s talk. Call us, write us a Email or ask us for an appointment.