Every business, organization or company that operates some or other computerized services that include more than one computer, requires establishing an organized efficient and functional computer network that will be used and serve the business. Structuring and establishing such a network is executed exactly like architectural construction of any other physical building.
As a part of this process, Auren will advise your organization as to how applying the in the networks and systems that you established/have established, is recommended, pursuant to the data that was provided by your development entities.
Advice to the organization will focus on the subject of the required protection, the correct form to stratify the security layers, the tools necessary for use etc. The goal is to create a correct and accurate security mantel for each organization and system pursuant to the required needs, the nature of the operations and the risks that are likely to threaten its functional activity.
During the consultation process, it will be necessary to relate to major subjects such as access permission, storage, saving and use of sensitive information, mediation of the work of the network or system, business processes in the system or on the web, use of protection and monitoring systems.
Companies or organizations that require cloud services should build secured cloud infrastructures, no less than in companies without cloud services. The reason for this is that use of a cloud creates an opening for use of the information from any location in the world (unlike work from inside an office in which all the sensitive information is found on servers that are physically set up in the company’s bounds). Securing these infrastructures requires a different and unique attitude.
Then let’s talk. Call us, write us a Email or ask us for an appointment.